How I Conquered My Keratosis Pilaris

How I Conquered My Keratosis Pilaris

How I Conquered My Keratosis Pilaris

Dealing with skin issues can be a challenging journey, and one of the common conditions that many face is keratosis pilaris (KP). This article aims to share a personal account of my struggle with KP and how I managed to conquer it. Let's dive into the details of understanding keratosis pilaris and the steps I took to overcome this skin condition.

Understanding Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris, often referred to as "chicken skin," is a common skin condition characterized by small, red, or flesh-colored bumps on the skin. These bumps, resembling goosebumps or acne, usually appear on the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, and sometimes on the face. The condition is caused by the buildup of keratin—a protein that protects the skin from infections.

My Struggle with Keratosis Pilaris

KP came to me out of nowhere as if something had triggered it. I first started noticing little bumps on my shoulders when I first moved to Australia in 2011. I was 27 at that time. I had no idea what it was and I just thought that it had something to do with the change of climate, water and even my hormones. The worst thing was that I started popping those little bumps like pimples. To my satisfaction something white was coming out of them, sometimes even with a sound. If you're a pimple popper like me you know that it is really hard to refrain yourself from picking your skin.

It turned into a very nasty habit. My skin was taking forever to heal. Little sores were getting inflamed. It felt like the more I popped them, the more little bumps appeared. My shoulders looked so bad that I felt embarrassed to wear sleeveless clothes. I was getting really frustrated and upset about the situation especially with my wedding coming up in January. That is when I started looking into finding a solution.

Discovering Effective Solutions for KP

I self diagnosed pretty quickly. I also went to my doctor hoping to get some magic cream. That’s when I discovered that the reason for the build-up of keratin is unknown, but it often occurs alongside other skin conditions, such as dermatitis. In most cases it is a genetic condition that runs in families. The only advise my doctor gave me was to exfoliate, moisturise and to stop picking my skin. No magic cream, unfortunately, at least not at this stage, but keep on reading, I can't wait to share what worked for me in the end.

With my wedding on the horizon, I decided to follow my doctor’s advise. I started vigorously scrubbing my shoulders in the shower, moisturising and even changed my diet. It took a massive self control to stop squeezing those firm bumps. Did it help? Not really. The sores from my previous picking healed leaving white marks on my tanned skin. My shoulders did start looking a bit better but more fresh bumps kept appearing.

In all hopes to look perfect on my wedding day, the look of my skin left much to be desired.

To fast forward my story, I had a beautiful wedding, bought a house, had two kids, will be celebrating our 10 years anniversary this coming January. Surprisingly, my skin had zero bumps during both of my pregnancies. But they did return and they returned with vengeance. I also started getting them on my thighs, hips and my calves. I was so self cautious that I wouldn’t wear shorts and short skirts. I was desperately trying out every cream and lotion that I could find that claimed to heal my KP. Nothing was working.

I started looking into specific ingredients that prevent the keratin build up to begin with. My thinking was if there is no keratin build up then there won’t be any bumps. I discovered that the creams that contain ingredients, such as retinoids (vitamin A), urea, alpha-hydroxy acid, lactic acid or salicylic acid, help to break down the excess keratin and remove dead skin. And the first body lotion I bought containing these ingredients, worked wonders!

What I did, I cleansed my skin thoroughly and then squeezed every single bump out for the last time. I started using this body lotion twice a day after shower. I noticed straightaway that I wasn’t getting any new bumps. After only two weeks when all my little sores healed and scabs have peeled, I had the perfect skin again. I’ve been using this lotion for two years now and it’s still working. At one point I thought that my KP is gone for good and stopped using the lotion. But no, the nasty little bumps started coming back. As long as I keep using the lotion my skin looks amazing.

So I finally got my KP under control and you can too. Here is the program that I use and below is the affiliate link:

Best Keratosis Pilaris treatment from the personal experience

Keratosis Pilaris Treatment


In conclusion, conquering keratosis pilaris is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and self-love. By understanding the condition, seeking professional advice, and adopting a holistic approach to skincare and lifestyle, it is possible to manage and improve the symptoms of KP. Remember, embracing imperfections and celebrating small victories are key components of this journey.